Search for users in your groups

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Filter users down using various options

Overview #

This method allows searching for users with various options. Using the searchQuery will filter users by what their name start with.
// Will return a list of users starting with 'al';
import { user } from '@cord-sdk/react';

const searchResults = useSearchUsers({ searchQuery: 'al', groupID: 'my-group-id'});

return (
     {!searchResults && "Loading..."}
     {searchResults && => (
         <div key={}>
           <p>User name: {}</p>
Vanilla JavaScript:
// Will return a list of users with names beginning with 'al'
await window.CordSDK.user.searchUsers({ searchQuery: 'al', groupID: 'my-group-id'});
// Will return a list of users starting with 'al';
import { user } from '@cord-sdk/react';

const searchResults = useSearchUsers({ searchQuery: 'al', groupID: 'my-group-id'});

return (
     {!searchResults && "Loading..."}
     {searchResults && => (
         <div key={}>
           <p>User name: {}</p>

Available Data #

The API provides an object which has the following fields:

users #


This is an array of objects, each of which has the following fields:

Show property details

What this function returns #

A promise that resolves to into an object with users which is a list of users in the group. This is a one time return.

Arguments this function takes #

options #


This is an object with the following fields:

Show property details

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