Connect to Slack

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Allow users to connect to a Slack workspace

Overview #

Calling this method will trigger a popup window to appear containing a flow for the user to link their Cord user to a Slack user. Completion of the flow will additionally connect the user's Slack workspace to their Cord group if that Cord group is not already connected to a Slack workspace. Calling this method will not do anything if the Cord user is already linked to a Slack user.
Vanilla JavaScript:
   onCompleteOAuth: (success) => console.log('Has user successfully signed into Slack: ', success)
   onCompleteOAuth: (success) => console.log('Has user successfully signed into Slack: ', success)

What this function returns #

This function returns a promise that resolves to nothing when the Slack connection popup window opens.

Arguments this function takes #

options #


This is an object with the following fields:

Show property details

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