Send a new message

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Add a message to a thread or create a new one

Overview #

Add a new message to a thread. The message will be authored by the current user and belong to their current group.
Vanilla JavaScript:
await window.CordSDK.thread.sendMessage(
    content: [{ type: 'p', children: [{ text: 'Amazing job!' }]}],
await window.CordSDK.thread.sendMessage(
    content: [{ type: 'p', children: [{ text: 'Amazing job!' }]}],

What this function returns #

A promise that resolves to true if the operation succeeded or rejects if it failed.

Arguments this function takes #

threadID #

The ID of the thread to add the message to. If this thread does not yet exist, the createThread parameter determines what happens.

data #

The data values for the new message.

This is an object with the following fields:

Show property details

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