Observe notification summary information

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How to use the notification API to observe the number of unread notifications

Overview #

This method allows you to observe the count of unread notifications for the current user, including live updates.
import { notification } from '@cord-sdk/react';
const counts = notification.useNotificationCounts({
      filter: {
          metadata: { flavor: 'minty' },
          location: { page: 'bookmarks' },
          groupID: 'group123',

return (
     {!counts && "Loading..."}
     {counts && (
       <p>Unread notifications: {counts.unread}</p>
Vanilla JavaScript:
const ref = window.CordSDK.notification.observeNotificationCounts(
  (counts) => {
       console.log("Unread notifications", counts.unread);
  { filter: {
        metadata: { flavor: 'minty' },
        location: { page: 'bookmarks' },
        groupID: 'group123',
import { notification } from '@cord-sdk/react';
const counts = notification.useNotificationCounts({
      filter: {
          metadata: { flavor: 'minty' },
          location: { page: 'bookmarks' },
          groupID: 'group123',

return (
     {!counts && "Loading..."}
     {counts && (
       <p>Unread notifications: {counts.unread}</p>

Available Data #

Graphic showing example uses of the Cord Notification Counts API

The API provides an object which has the following fields:

unread #

The number of notifications that the current user hasn't seen yet.

What this function returns #

A reference number which can be passed to unobserveSummary to stop observing notification summary information.

Arguments this function takes #

options #


This is an object with the following fields:

Show property details

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