Try interacting with our live thread. Customize the CSS
variables to match the theme of your app.
The default colors used to theme all components.
Basic background for most elements
Background for highlighted elements, e.g. annotation
Most content, e.g. message text
Supplementary content, e.g. timestamps
Links, button content and usernames
Notifications, e.g. unread message
Floating sidebar launcher
Avatar style
The shape of your avatar.
Border radius
The border radius for relevant elements.
Medium border radius, small and large radii are half and double respectively
The font used across all Cord components.
By default Cord components inherit the font-family from your page
Drop shadows
The box-shadows applied to certain elements, generally as hover states.
Shadow for larger elements, e.g. sidebar modals
The focus applied on elements, generally as focus states.
Copy your styles
Copy these styles and add them to your CSS