Sidebar Launcher (Deprecated)

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Open and close the sidebar from anywhere

Cord Sidebar Launcher has been deprecated and is no longer being actively developed.

To display a series of comments or threaded conversations on your page, we strongly recommend using Cord Threaded Comments, combined with Cord Notification List for better customizability and a more native feel.

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When to use #

The SidebarLauncher component allows you to replace that default button with a customizable one that you can choose to place anywhere in your application UI.

By itself, the Sidebar component will add a floating launcher button, positioned fixed in the bottom-right corner of your app in the browser; clicking this launcher opens and closes the sidebar.

This component pairs well with:

How to use #

If you use this component, remember to pass showLauncher={false} to <Sidebar />.

import { Sidebar, SidebarLauncher } from "@cord-sdk/react";

export const Example = () => (
    <div id="header">
      <SidebarLauncher label="Collaborate" inboxBadgeStyle="badge" />
    <Sidebar showLauncher={false} />
Vanilla JavaScript:
  <div id="header">
    <cord-sidebar-launcher label="Collaborate" inbox-badge-style="badge">
  <cord-sidebar show-launcher="false"></cord-sidebar>
import { Sidebar, SidebarLauncher } from "@cord-sdk/react";

export const Example = () => (
    <div id="header">
      <SidebarLauncher label="Collaborate" inboxBadgeStyle="badge" />
    <Sidebar showLauncher={false} />

Properties #

label #

The text label on the button. If set to an empty string, the button will not have a label.
The default is set to Comment.

iconUrl #

If provided, changes the URL of the icon. If set to an empty string, the button will not have an icon.
The default is set to Comment icon.

inboxBadgeStyle #

The style of the badge that appears on the button if there are inbox items. One of badge_with_count, badge or none.
The default is set to badge_with_count.

disabled #

Whether the button should be disabled.
The default is set to false.

onClick #

Callback invoked when the launcher button is clicked.

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