We integrated Cord components in a few common application types. Click on the cards below to see how we have added collaboration in these example use cases.

Put a Cord thread on any page! #

To very quickly see how the Cord thread looks on any page, open your browser's JavaScript console and paste in the following code:

// Add Cord SDK to the page
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'https://app.cord.com/sdk/v1/sdk.latest.js';
// Wait for the script to load to initialize Cord
script.addEventListener('load', () => {
    client_auth_token: '<CLIENT_AUTH_TOKEN>',
  // Create a cord-thread and add it to the page
  const thread = document.createElement('cord-thread');
  thread.setAttribute('thread-id', `my-awesome-thread-id-${crypto.randomUUID()}`);
  thread.setAttribute('group-id', 'my-first-group');
  // Use the new version of Cord components, which are fully CSS customizable
  thread.setAttribute('use-shadow-root', false);
  // Style the cord-thread, to make it always visible on the page
  thread.style.position = 'fixed'; 
  thread.style.top = '45%'; 
  thread.style.left = '10%'; 
  thread.style.width = '350px';
  thread.style.zIndex = 2;
// Add Cord SDK to the page
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'https://app.cord.com/sdk/v1/sdk.latest.js';
// Wait for the script to load to initialize Cord
script.addEventListener('load', () => {
    client_auth_token: '<CLIENT_AUTH_TOKEN>',
  // Create a cord-thread and add it to the page
  const thread = document.createElement('cord-thread');
  thread.setAttribute('thread-id', `my-awesome-thread-id-${crypto.randomUUID()}`);
  thread.setAttribute('group-id', 'my-first-group');
  // Use the new version of Cord components, which are fully CSS customizable
  thread.setAttribute('use-shadow-root', false);
  // Style the cord-thread, to make it always visible on the page
  thread.style.position = 'fixed'; 
  thread.style.top = '45%'; 
  thread.style.left = '10%'; 
  thread.style.width = '350px';
  thread.style.zIndex = 2;

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